My dear mother passed away on May 20, 2012. Although I have been living in Pinetop this past year, I have continued to drive down to Phoenix every week to visit/care for her and to work my shifts at the temple. Now that she is gone, I will focus on preparing for our "mission" to China. I thought of you all tonight (Tuesday) and missed being together. I will have to go to the Snowflake Temple this week! My mother's funeral was beautiful, and she looked so wonderful. Her 30-year hairdresser had fixed her up and she looked better than she has for the past couple of years. Even polish on her fingernails! My sister and I were able to dress her for burial, sing her a duet, and ponder the resurrection. It was a sweet time. Thank you again for all your support. You have each one blessed my life.
Karen Mosley

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